Prosthetic forearm with an articulated hand, known as an “American prosthesis”
In early August 1914, General Lyautey, general in residence in Morocco, dispatched two regiments of Moroccan indigenous infantrymen, who from 1915 would form units of what were known as “tirailleurs marocains”. These men were soon sent into battle and stood out for their role in the Battle of the Marne.
These soldiers wore what was called “oriental” dress at all times. As they were initially regular Moroccan troops, the unit had a Moroccan uniform in beige fabric, produced by tailors. It was made up of a jacket with large brass buttons, wide trousers, a scarlet wool belt, ankle boots and puttees. The regiment’s numbers were sewn onto the collars in sky-blue cloth, and soldiers wore a cheich turban in beige fabric.
They were equipped with leather braces, special 1898 model cartridge pouches, a specific leather belt with a copper plate marked with the Moroccan national star, and a Lebel 1886/93 rifle.